I-bank Pay Spot mobile app offers the possibility to the consumers to perform payments of bills and debts to the State and Organizations.
What is it About?
- MAT company, in collaboration with the National Bank of Greece, and within the i-bank Pay Spot service framework, has developed a series of special systems and applications (desktop, web and mobile), which are connected -through secure protocol communications- online to the bank's e-banking service and perform on behalf of consumers, payments of bills and debts to the State and Organizations.
- These systems have incorporated all the necessary security specifications, for protection against any ongoing or stored data leakage, specifications that have been approved and accepted by the Systems Security Division of the respective bank.
- These systems are located in retail stores or other suitable enterprises and, under a relative fee, utilize their potential by facilitating customers / consumers to settle their obligations in their neighborhood, quickly and without waiting queues and overcrowding situations.
- Such systems are currently installed in more than 1,000 points of sales, covering almost the entire Greek territory, through which more than 250,000 transactions per month are executed seamlessly and reliably